Tuesday 1 April 2008

01/04/08 episode

So in Monday's episode John Paul and Keiron kissed... which leads us into Tuesday's episode and leads John Paul and Keiron in bed together...
Normally, love lives in Hollyoaks are never simple. But it's even more complicated when you've secretly been dating a gay guy.. who also happens to be a priest. Ouch .

This episode is mostly about John Paul and Keiron. The rest of the focus is on Elliot, who thinks he's going to finally meets his Dad, who was abducted by aliens many years ago- allegedly. But it's all a cruel prank by Lauren and Newt.

Kieron wakes up looking distressed (as if you could waking up next to John Paul- what's wrong with him?!) and heads off to the Dog. He opens to Kris, who he believes will give him the advice he needs. His reasoning- that he thinks nothing will shock Kris. But the look on his face when the priest tells him what has just happened between him and John Paul was brilliant. Long pause.. and then eyes wide in shock!

John Paul is also in some need of advice. He heads off to Hannah's, and although he doesn't reveal Keiron's secret, He does tell Hannah how he is in a complicated dating situation, and how he's not sure that he wants this person to sacrifice so much for him.

Meanwhile, Elliot is all excited about meeting his father, and has made a collection of memories made from photos and whatnot, to show his dad. It's an endearing time capsule, although I'm sure he could have found something better than a biscuit tin to put it in. However, he realises that he's left a really important photo in his room, and heads back to get it. But little does he know that Sarah and Roger are in bed together in his room and he walks in on them together. Clearly crushed, he leaves the halls in shock and runs to the woods to wait for his Dad.

Lauren and Newt are waiting for Elliot, but when Elliot turns up screaming for his dad (and even takes his hat off- bad things always happen when he takes his hat off), Newt suddenly has a change of heart and leaves with Lauren following. Elliot's left in the woods, hatless, and alone.

Kieron finally comes home and tells John Paul that theres no need to worry about anything. Blatant lie.

After the credits (black ominous credits) we see a clip of Lauren and Newt running off into the darkness.

I wonder what they'll find...

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