Tuesday 8 April 2008

Some people are going to be in trouble....

Hopefully you're all familiar with the storyline concerning the love triangle between Rhys, Beth and Gilly. Gilly's blissfully unaware that his soon to be wife is sleeping with his best mate. And her brother. WRONG!

And of course, the storyline about Leah's "leukemia" which Amy and Ste are lying about to everyone.

It's all coming out soon.

Michaela manages to expose Rhys and Beth's affair. All of the Ashworths find out, as well as a disgusted Mercedes. As part of his revenge, Gilly phones the police, and the pair are arrested for incest. And then everyone in the village finds out about their sordid secret.

The only way they believe they can live happily ever after is to run away. They drive off, but things don't go according to plan. According to Digital Spy, "tragedy strikes." So it sounds like someone's going to suffering from a bit of death.

Michaela also inadvertently exposes Amy and Ste's lies. Thinking that Leah has got worse, she tells Mike and Sarah. But when they ask Amy, the guilt finally gets to her and she confesses. Mike takes Leah back to the flat, but in the end forgives Amy.

Michaela also manages to finally get Josh to believe her about Fletch's habit, after Sasha and Fletch steal his mp3 player. When he finds out, he turns his back on Fletch, and makes up with Michaela.

It seems as though Michaela's been quite a super sleuth recently, exposing everyone. No wonder all you lot love her so much. To be fair I don't blame you. The scene with the western style stand off between the Mcqueens and the Deans during the whole Craig/John Paul storyline was sooo funny. Best quote?

"My brother is gayer than yours."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where the sid and nancy bag is from ? that fletch wears ?????? lonsdalesmith@msn.com