Sunday 6 April 2008

Spoilers for 7th-11th April

Ok, so this is just a bite-sized idea of what's coming up in next weeks Hollyoaks.

Warren (my absolute favourite, expect a blog all about him in the future) gets arrested for Seans murder! When released by the Police, he returns to Louise and confesses everything, but she vows to stick by him. After all, she did vow for better or worse.

Elliot is found in hospital, and finds out from his Mother that his father was never abducted by aliens. More than a tad bit upset, he completely changes himself. Out with the old, nice, doormat Elliot, in with the new 'I will not be used' badass Elliot (hopefully minus 'orrible hat).

Katy leaves Hollyoaks for good, unable to deal with the guilt of knowing Warren's secret. I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing the wail of "KAAAAEERRRGHH" as he tries to stop her from leaving.

Ste fakes a robbery at his house as part of an insurance scam. However, that pesky kid doesn't get away with it, as Amy is forced to tell Calvin the truth. Who then tells 'Grandad Barnes'. And after an unwelcome return by his Mother, Ste is pushed to his limits and lashes out at Amy. Git.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Kateh. Only room for one Fox on the show- Warren Fox.
After all it's 'All about the Fox'.....