Monday 21 April 2008

Spoiler Vids

Channel 4 have got some spoiler Videos up. The most recent one involves the story with Louise's arrest, and also a story about Sarah and Roger. Mike Barnes doesn't know yet that his daughter is dating an older man.

Rest assured he will find out though, and he doesn't like it. However, Sarah dumps Roger when Zoe tells her that he came onto her.. the sleazebag.

For spoiler videos, just click here.

There's also an interview with Andrew Moss, who plays Rhys Ashworth. Here's a snippet

Monday 21 April

We caught up with Andrew Moss (Rhys) to chat about his incest storyline and what the future holds for Rhys.

What did you think of the Rhys and Beth storyline when you heard about it?
It was really shocking at first of course but as an actor it's fantastic to get something so meaty that you can get stuck in to. Bryan (Bryan Kirkwood – HOLLYOAKS Producer) kept the storyline from us for as long as possible so I knew they were casting for someone called Beth but I didn't realise she was going to be my sister. We were both really excited when we found out.

To read more click here.

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